Wednesday, December 7, 2011


okay, yeaa, that tittle, freedom ? am I ? like seriously. oh yeaaa, It's true laa weh. walaweh, dah free dah aku. free from school. free from class. free from waking up in the early of the morning. free from getting dress up in school uniform. free from involved in school. PERIOD

so back to my story. happy ? excited ? eager ? sad ? loneliness ? semue ade time nih. sbb ? come on lahh, mule mule boleh laa nk excited or nk nangis mcm nk rak bile dah habis exam, tp lepas 1 bulan, mule laa bosan. tp aku ? tak sampai 1 bulan pun, dah rindu kat sekolah. haha. oh yeaa, BTW aku habis Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia(SPM). seriously mcm tak percaya langsung. selama 11 tahun zaman aku sekolah, tak pun rase free, boleh duduk goyang kaki kat rumah selepas bulan 12. biasenye bulan 12 tu dah kene stop stayed late at night, kene prepare for school, kene bljr supaye tk liat bgn pkul 6.15 a.m. and skrg tk pyh buat tu sumue. tibe tibe rase mcm lawak ah pulak. sbb dulu beria-ia sngt nk get away from school. tp bile dah get away, rindu smakin membuak buak dalam diri nih, rase mcm nk glepor je *bak kate org Trgganu. 

so sekarang mmg cnfrm laa budok budok lepas SPM sibuk nak ambik lesen krete kann ? sape tk sabar ? aku pun dulu glepor tangan nk sentuh stereng krete *bhgian dok sabo nk bawok krete gi jalan jalan kan. tp lps exam, tibe tibe glepor tu hilang. dok rase nok ambik lesen cepat cepat. dok tahu laa bakpe. mybe sbb org ramai ambik. or mybe rase nk duduk kat sekolah, dalam dewan, jawab exam. haha. tp seriously tak rase happy pun habis exam. reason ? sbb still fikir psal result, how careless I am during the exam. mcm mcm hal nk fikir, that's why tak happy.

'stop thinking about that. you're free now. just pray for yr succes. doa kat Allah supaye pemeriksa baik hati, tolong kite utk dpt mrkh lebih. and hopefully our efforts will give us joyness soon'- my mom. oh my, what you should I say ? she knows me better than I am. I still remember her face when I can't really answer Pendidikan Islam's questions very well. sbb sakit punye pasal time tu. her face full with sadness, prayers and rase bersalah. all I can said on that time 'dok tahu laa mama.' and then Im crying without let her know. my tears streaming down my cheeks just like that after she asks me whether I can answer It or not. 

Im just hoping that Im getting It right. and all I can say is I am not free. I am not free from school. I am just leaving It. I am just take a rest from school. Because at the end, I will come back. I will return to that school again. and when I come back, the hall, the school hall akn penuh dengan doa budak budak lepasan SPM, wishing, praying, hoping that they're will getting straight A's. so do I.

 so till we meet again, school. :)

I miss them. I miss my classmate. I miss my Sir Ibrahim.